Controling dengue hemorrhagic fever vector would be better when the people cound chose their own choice of method such as spraying synthetics insecticide, using abatae as synthetics larvacide, using fish as biological controlled, and using electrical racket as mechanical controller. Besides, using poisonous plant as alternative controlling method was being encouraged. Datura metel is a wild pla…
Obesitas merupakan pedisposisi primer beberapa penyakit seperti sindrom metabolik diabetes tipe 2, dan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Upaya mengatasi obesitas diperlukan dengan mengetahui perkemangan obesitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efek diet tinggi kalori terhadap lemak dan karbohidrat terlarut hewan untuk membuat moyet Cynomolgus (Macaca fasciculasi) menjadi gemuk. Hewan yang digu…
Sea water fish such as Tongkol and kembung can contain more than 100 ppm histamine that can be poisoning This study used coconut water and coconut milk which contain albumin as neutralizer. Such compound can kill histidine bacteria, preventing histamine production. Other components of coconut water are growth elements, trace elements, carbohydrate, and small amounts of vitamins. Results indica…