This research was experimental analytic research with the pre-post test only Control Group Design aimed to deSign Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) development using PVC pipe media to decrease ammonium and BOD level. While the specific purposes are: 1) designing Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC) development; 2) measuring ammonium and BOD level of leather waste after processed by RBC, 4) a…
Ciplukan herb has been used empirically as the antidiabetic medicine. The aim of the research at know the influence of chloroform fraction of ciplukan to blood glucose and recovery of alloxan induced Langerhan pancreatic islet of mice. This research used 6 groups of mice consist of normal control, negative control were induced by aloksan at dase of 100 mg/kg bw, third group were given by gliben…
Leaves and stem of tomato (Lycopersion esculentum Mill) has been traditionaly used as insect repellent as it’s specific odor. They contain alkoloid, saponin, tritepenoid-steroid, flavonoid, tannin and glycoside. Using of tomato leaves and stem as insect repellent should be supported by the scientific studies. This study aims to determine whether the tomato leaves and stem can be used as insec…
Previous study described that ethanol 7% extract of Acelypha indica have immunomodulator effect baseon increasing of phagocyte activity, not only in vitro but also by in vivo studied. In this study, immunomodulator activity was tested using five group of mice. Each group was given standard diet, negative group was given 0,5% NaCMC suspensitive group was given Stimuno 0,39 mg/20g BW, 3rd, 4th, …
Penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang kualitas dirasakan perlu dalam usaha menghasilken lulusan yang kompeten. Dosen berkewajiban membantu mahaiswa dalam menacapi kompentesi yang dipersyaratkan. Namun demikian kendala muncul seperti perencanaan pembelajaran yang seharusnya menjadi pedoman membelajaran dibuat hanya untuk kepentingan administratif dan belum digunakan secara benar sebagai guide terhadap…
enefit of retaining both testes. To Demostrate that intratesicular injection of 20% hypertonic sodium chloride can result in permanent castration and to evaluate serum changes in sodium chloride levels. A total of 40 Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups, consisting of bilateral orchidectomy (n=10) and 2 group receving intratesticular injections of 20% sodium (n=10 in each group). Serum testos…
One of the intensification of malaria control programs in South East Sulawesi is vector surveyllance in the form of entomological survey. The aimed of this survey was to provide data and information on malaria vector usefull for vector control activity. Vector Surveyllance activity had been done to know vector fluctuation data, vector behaviour, type of breeding places in order to know the pea…