ABSTRACT The effectiveness of exclusive breastfeeding promotion on increasing its duration and proportion has been revealed, but not on child growth. The objective of this article is to assess the effect of mulhlevel promotion of exclusive breastfeeding on child growth. A quasi experiment of the promotion with pre-post¬test control group design was applied at Demak, Central Java Province. A…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya rasio prevelensi dan mengidentifikasi persamaan model garis rekresi beberapa predikator terhadap berat bayi lahir. Penelitian merupakan penelitian Analitik observasional dengan desin cross sectional. Sebagai variable bebas adalah umur ibu, umur kehamilan, umur LILA, kenaikan BB selama hamil, kadar hemoglobin trimester III, frekuensi ANC dengan BBL sebag…
Yogyakarta Province is a disaster-prone province, especially the mountaintrim. Disaster preparedness is essential to minimize the disaster victims soformed the community program on disaster preparedness through DesaSiaga of Mount Merapi alert. To determine the activity and how the implementationof community disaster preparedness programs Mount Merapi onthe implementation of Desa Siaga in the Um…
State using national health insurance system as a state system andgovernment to give social protection so that each people can fullfil humanbasic needs. Health social insurance to give protect ensurement healthsocial welfare so that each people can fullfil life need for social welfareIndonesian people. To identify the problems, obstacle, and challenge withcost system and scheme of institution L…
The incidence of cases of asphyxia in newborns in Indonesia Is 27%, which is estimated about 23% of all neonatal mortality that caused by asphyxia neonatorum. One ceuse of asphyxia neonatorum is post date. According to Data of Health in Ponorogo in 2009 were 92 (17%) ceses of neonatal asphyxia and B9 of neonatal mortality case, 17 csses of them caused by asphyxia neonatorum, while neonatal mort…
Breast self-examination is a way to detect abnonnalily of breast, ie. breast cancer. Breast cancer can be healed up to 90% succeed if it be treated in earty stage. That's why earty detection of breast cancer is important by breast self-examination. The main goal of this study is known level of knowledge of adolescence girls about breast self-examination for early detection of breast cancer in S…
The main issue addressed by the study was the lack of self confidence, since it has been established that 20% of mentally retarded children lacked self confidence as shown by their shyness, keeping to themsellves and withdrawn . The study attemted to learn the relationship between parenting pattern and self confidence among mentally retarded children. This was an observational and analytical st…
AIDS (acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) become a very serious a very serious problem everywhere throughout the world. Health workers should put themselves in alert because in many countries over the years many health workers have been infected by HIV due to the nature of their accupation. Health care works should always be in universal alertness to protect them from getting HIV/ AIDS infecti…
Babies classified as LBW (Low birth weight) have their weights at birth equals to or less than 2.500 grams. LBW is one of the factors attributable to perinatal deaths caused by hypothermia, asphyxia and pneumonic aspiration. One of the triggering factors for the occurreances are deliveries by mothers as risky ages (≤20 years). The study was aimed at understanding the extent of relationship be…