Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan angka kesakitan malaria yang tinggi di Indonesia. Faktor risiko individu dan lingkungan diduga berperan terhadap kejadian infeksi malaria di daerah endemis. Pada dasarnya Anopheles (vektor atau non vektor) lebih menyukai darah hewan. Nyamuk banyak ditemukan di sekitar kandang ternak. Tujuan analisis data riskesdas ini untuk men…
In Sleman, the private health service facilities is utilized higher ( 52%) thanthose of public facilities ( 37,6%). This phenomenon is assumed to bebrought about by health policy. This research is aimed at studying the pattern of private and public health services facilities utilization in SlemanRegency and the factors influence it. A cross-sectional survey was carriedout in 13 selected distric…
Dengue fever (DF) is still a health problem in Indonesia where primary DF ussually gives less symptom then secondary DF. DF had been known to assail on liver cells (hepatitis) that gives increase Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes level, and dengue hepatitis can be serious until fatal. Therefore increased level of transaminase in DF (primary or secondary…
Asthama represent the disease which often to be found in child. Asthma occurence incrase almost whole in word, in developed countries and also developing countries including of Indonesia. Asthma is disparity in the form of kronic inflammation of respiratory tract that causing sensitively of trachea and broncheus (broncheus hyperactivity) indiferent to various excitement. ASI is do not doubt tha…