Background: Implementation of the family planning (FP) program is affected by the people view on reproductive health and family planning services. A lot of clients who complain about the lack of explanation/information from the clinic staff led to a lack of knowledge of the client in choosing the type of FP. Methods: This is an observational research, assest reproduction right on "right to ge…
Introduction: lung cancer is a comm on type of cancers, either in men or women and a leading cause of deaths from cancers. It aimed to determine characteristics and pattern of tobacco use among lung tumor/cancer respondents diagnosed by health workers (doctors/nurses/midwives). Methods: this study further analyzed secondairy data from Basic Health Research or Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas)…
Introduction: Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human induce variety response involved protective immunity to clinical manifestation of tuberculosis. Oxidative mechanism to infection controlling not only happened in macrofag but in al/ liquid compartment of body. Methods: Aim of this study was to evaluate peroxidative index and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) in saliva tuberculosis pa…
Background: The Regulation of Minister of Health, Permenkes 003/MENKES/PER/2010 on scientification of herbal medicine also elucidate to regulation on human resources and recording, yet the regulation has not analyzed roles of pharmacists. The study aimed to determine roles of pharmacists associated with the legislation on scientification of herbal medicine. Methods: tt was conducted in 3 (three…
Chronic transfusion on thalassemia patients may cause excess of body iron. The increase of body iron may stimulate oxidant production such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) that measured as malondialdehyde (MDA). Increase of ROS production cause cell including erythrocyte membrane destruction that contained lipid compound. The purpose of this research iso determine the corelation between serum l…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan desain cross sectional yang bertujuan diketahuinya faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual siswa SMAN di Magetan. sebagai populasi adalah siswa kelas XI SMAN Magetan dengan jumlah sampel 286 subyek. variabel independen adalah factor pengetahuan dan sikap; faktor yang mendudkung yaitu fasilitas dan infrastruktur; dan faktor pendorong ; pola p…
Death registration system with cause of death in this time is being developed in every district/city in Indonesia. Until now, Surakarta's city has developed this system since year 2006. The aim of research is to detects challenges and opportunities of development death registration system with cause of death in Surakarta city. The result of this research can be used by other districts/cities in…
Background: Health intervention for adolescents is very crucial as the investment in building healthy life style and quality of learning process. Studies on health risk issues on adolescents in school setting and its relationship to academic score is limited. This study aims to describe behaviour risk factors among adolescents aged 12 to 15 years, and in particular studying smoking behaviour am…
Background: Tuberculosis was an infectious disease and remains a public health problem in the world, including Indonesia. Based on the WHO report in 2009, Indonesia was included into the group of high-burden countries, ranks third after India and China. Indonesia in 1993/1994 began using alloys Anti Tuberculosis (TB) called Kombipak. Although this alloy has a high effectiveness in the treatment…