ABSTRACT The prevalenses of soil transmitted helminths ISTH) infection in Lombok are relatively high. It is closley associated with poor environmetal hygiene. non healthy sanitation status, poverty and improper health services. The highest prevalences is normally observed in elementary school children. The aim of this study was to evalaute the relationship between hygien…
Filariasis is still a public health problem in lndonesia especially in rural areas. In South Sumatra Province, 186 patients with chronic filariasis were reported in 2009 and 130 of them came from Banyuasin District. In Muara Padang SubDistrict, there were 7 patients with chronic filariasis and 1 of them lived in Muara Padang Village. A finger blood survey has never been conducted in Muara Padan…
Postpartum mother need to be prepared physically; psychologycally and socially before discharge from health services PPDP (postpartum discharge planing). Based on literatur there is not any research about current practice on PPDP in Semarang City. This research was done in Semarang.. City. Population were post partum mothers. Sampling technic was used accidental sampling, which is mother who st…
The transmission of schistosomiasis is still ongoing in Dodolo and Mekarsari Villages ofNapu highland, Poso District. The people who infected with Schistosoma japonicum, intermediate host. Oncomelania hnpensis lindoensis snails that infected by cercaria. infective stage of S. japonicum and reservoir host, rats, which infected by S. japonicum were still (bund. The purpose of this study was to id…