In Indonesia there were many kinds of martial arts and community breathing exercise but the use of breathing exercise for therapy and maintenance toward healthy, fresh still not optimally implemented. 'Starting from this, the research to uncover the role of breathing exercise on the change of beta-endorphin really need to be revealed. This research aims to reveal the changes in beta-endorph…
Lebsiella Pneumoniae (K penumoniae) termas dalamgenus Klebsiella, merupakan penghuni normal traktus digestvus. Paa manusia K.pneumonia dapat menyebabkan infeksi saluran napas di samping infeksi lain di luar system pernapasan misalnya infeksi saluran kemih,infeksi nosokomial dll. Selama ini, untuk mengidentifikasi kuman ini digunakan metode pengecatan dan kultur, yang memerluan waktu lama. Penel…
The district of Lumajang in the year 2005 has launched a policy which was named healthy community development movement (GERBANGMAS) and implemented through integrated health post. It takes only 3 months since the head of the district of Lumajang offers an idea to revitalized heath postand implementing the healthy community development movement as a public policy. The purpose of this study is to…
Both depression and diabetes mellitus have been related to a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many heart disease. Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of atherothrombosis. There are many markers of inflammation, one of them is high sensitivity-C reactive protein in the diabetic patient…
A study has been conducted to evaluate implementation of mass drug administration (MDA) of filariasis in some areas with different frequency of medication. The research was a crosssectional survey. Research was done in three sub districts. Kuala Tungkal (West Tanjung Jabung District and Sembawa (Banyuasin District. South Sumatera) for four times. Research was done in November-December 2006. Dat…
Tuberculosis remains as a major health problem in South East Asia as well as Indonesia. The failure of tuberculosis treatment is mostly due to drop-out and multiple drugs resistant. Previous study showed that vitamin D increase the intracellular cathelicidin which has potency to kill the Mycobacterium tubeculosis. This research was aimed to identify the effect of vitamin D as supportive treatme…
To describe the characteristics of iron deficiency anemia prevalence in pregnant women in Semarang’s coastal and mountainous area and to prove the difference of iron deficiency anemia prevalence in Semarang’s coastal and mountanious area. Cross sectional study in 7 Semarang city community health care center and 5 Semarang region community health care center, which involed 50 women in scond…
Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopicus are know as the vector of dengue and chikungunya. The breeding habitat of dengue vector Aedes, were studied using larva collection method inside and outside houses in Pondok Aren and Curug sub district in Tangerang area (as zone 1), Kebayoran Baru and Kebayoran Lama in Jakarta Selatan area (as zone II) and in Bekasi Timur, Cibitung and Tambun sub districts in Be…