ABSTRACT Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of indicator of health care service in the country. Maternal death can occur due to several reasons, such as anemia. 15-20% of maternal deaths are directly or indirectly related to dealing with anemia. Anemia due to iron defisiansi a major cause of maternal anemia. The high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in Jatinegara district health center i…
The purpose of research is to analyze the effectiveness of various waste sawdust in eliminating heavy metals and metals in waste water by a process of filtration. This experiment, conducted with a .sempte group treatment filtration process using sewdust teak, mahogany and sengon. The design of the study one group pre test post desaign end, then analyzed differences in the ability of sawdust is …
The research method used is a qualitative approach, the research objective is to describe the performance evaluation of the implementation of Standar Pelayanan MInimun (SPM) Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Surabaya in 2010. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, surveys, and literature study, by the method of SWOT analysis. The study is the implementation of Service St…
The high prevalence of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) merely that the population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes remains high and increasing. One method of overcoming mosquito problem is by the use of mosquito repellents that are save for human skin. Yhis was an experimental study aimed at descripbing alternative repellent that is more effective and efficient, that is by the use of orange skin and…
Packaging, among other things, is intended to protect the safety of fast food products. However. Packaging materials may introduced contaminants into various types of fast food products. Among various kinds of frequently used packaging materials are clear plastics, platic bags or tas kresek, old newspaper or oily papers or locally known as kertas minyak. The investigation was intended to study …