ABSTRACT The first thousand days of life, since child in the womb until 2 years old, determines the quality of the child when they grown up. Weight gain during pregnancy is the best indicators to predict maternal nutritional status than any other physical criteria. Information of factors that affects weight gain during pregnancy is very important to ensure the outcome of pregnancy. Prospective…
The common problems which are currently faced by adolescents are lack ofreproductive health information, low access to health facilities, and risk behavior among themselves. Risk behaviors in this age group tend to increase and become serious issues; therefore this requires considerable attention from all parties/sectors. Risk behaviors among youth include smoking, alcohol and drugs use, and pr…
Periode emas yang sering disebut sebagai ‘window of opportunity’ terjadi pada lima tahun pertama kehidupan. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran berbagai tingkat pengamatan yakni komposisional (individu) dan kontekstual (rumah tangga dan pelayanan kesehatan dasar tingkat kecamatan) terhadapstatus gizi buruk di Indonesia. Metode penelitian adalah observasional dengan rancangan potong lintang, m…