Chikungunya merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus chikungunya atau disingkat CHIK virus merupakan RNA virus yang termasuk dalam genus Alphavirus. Kabupaten Kebumen pada tahun 2012 terjadi KLB chikungunya dengan kasus bulan Januari-Juni 2012 di Desa Karangsari 80 kasus dan di Kelurahan Panjer bulan Mei-Juni sebanyak 33 kasus. Penelitian ini menggambarkan kondisi kasus chikungunya berdasa…
Pengetahuan dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat masyarakat lokal telah banyak di lakukan di Indonesia. Namun demikian pengetahuan dari masyarakat Tobelo Dalam, di Propinsi Maluku Utara, masih belum banyak diungkapkan. Oleh karena itu survei tumbuhan obat yang dilakukan di T.N. Aketajawe-Lolobata, Pulau Halmahera pada bulan Juni 2010 diharapkan dapat melengkapi data kekayaan, keanekaragaman dan penget…
Abstract Fruit Juice Beverage Is Usually Reconstituted Fruit Juice With The Same Flavor And Color As Freshly Squezzed Juice. Increasing Public Interest In Healthy Lifestyle Has Pushed The Health Quality of Packaged Food And Beverages. Authors Believe That Teens Presently Lack Knowledge In Choosing The Right Packaged Food And Beverages For Their Need. Lifestyle Among Their Circle Offilends Is A…
On the treatment of children with tuberculosis, doctor often prescribes anti-tuberculosis drug (OAT) for children in combination and make it pulveres preparation which is aimed to increase patient's obedience and regularity in consuming medicine. However, the medication employing more than one form of drugs which was combined into one form of certain preparation may trigger instability of the d…
Tug boat is the transportasion equipment in the sea that can be used to conduct many of job that like to drag, postpone, pool, and anchor the ship and other floating equipment. Usually to the water for the ship supply taken from the closest place to the port and so save the water put in the tank that made from the steel. In is possible occur the pollution of metal element especially timbale. Ti…