The number and type of pesticides used by households continues to increase. As it is intended to control pests, almost all pesticides are toxic. The use and improper storage can increase the risk of exposure and may ultimately lead to health hazards. The study aims to find out about the management of pesticide use in households. This study was conducted in four cities/districts…
Tradisi sei adalah tradisi mengasapkan ibu yang baru melahirkan bersama bayinya selama 40 hari di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Selama 40 hari ibu dan bayinya harus duduk/tidur di atas bara api yang berasal dari pembakaran biomassa (kayu) di dalam Rumah Bulat (Ume ‘Kbubu). Emisi dari pembakaran bahan bakar biomassa dapat mencemari lingkungan rumah dan menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan ibu maupun bayin…
Exclusive breastfeeding is related to several potential factors, such as mother working status. Mothers who are worker, particularly in industrial sector are more likely not to exclusively breastfeed their child. Non-availability of breastfeeding facility in the workplace, types of work, working condition and implementation of reproductive rights were a number of factors that increase the risk …
ABSTRACT The first thousand days of life, since child in the womb until 2 years old, determines the quality of the child when they grown up. Weight gain during pregnancy is the best indicators to predict maternal nutritional status than any other physical criteria. Information of factors that affects weight gain during pregnancy is very important to ensure the outcome of pregnancy. Prospective…