Dengue Haemoragic Fever (DHF) was still a public health problem in Demak District, Central Java. In the year of 2012, there were 483 DHF cases and 6 of them were died. Based on those cases, there was no clear information how those cases spread related to environmental and demographic factor. This research aimed to do spatial analysis of DHF incidence then it was related to House Index (HI),…
Pengukuran variabel dalam sebuah penelitian sering menjadi problema yang dilematik. Hal ini disebabkan karena validitas pengukuran sangat ditentukan oleh validitas insturmen, khususnya untuk mengukur non tes seperti pengukuran pengetahuan, sikap, maupun persepsi. Hasil kajian cepat terhadap bebrapa insturmen yang digunakan dalam penelitian tesis (bidang kesehatan) ditemukan fakta bahwa pengolah…
There were still water born diseases occurred in Police Academy like Morbili, Variola, Thypus, Conjunctivitis, Diarea Varicella, Herpes and DHF. Overall cases had the amount of 136 (in the year 2005) and 241 (in the year 2006) Those diseases may be related to the bacteriological quality of water. This research aimed to study the bacteriological quality on water supply system in Police Academy S…