ABSTRACT The highest numbers in elderly population affects to several aspects of life such as social, economy and health status. Those conditions need support from particularly family members (care giver) whom take care of elderly people and fulfill the physial and pshychosocial needs. Caregiving pattern are fulfill need of elderly in maintaining daily activity, pshychosocial and financial nee…
Qhli Gizi merupakan salah satu tenaga dari anggota tim kesehatan yang sangat berperan dalam asuhan gizi pasien di rumah sakit. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Ulin Banjarmasin adalah rumah sakit type B pendidikan dengan jumlah tempat tidur sebanyak 609 buah Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) sebesar 70% dan jumlah tenaga pelaksana gizi sebanyak 60 orang . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan waktu ke…
Poor study habits is one factor causes of low learning achievement so causing declining quality of education. Many factors that affect the achievement of a student learning both internally and externally, such as intelligence, emotional, interests and talents, motivation, teaching methods, facilities and infrastructure, intellectual learning ability, and health. The purpose of this study is to …
Pemeliharaan Kesehatan gigi dan mulut bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit gigi dan mulut yang berupa lubang gigi (karies) dan penyakit periodontal. Untuk itu perlu adanya kesadaran serta motivasi untuk berupa melakukan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut sedini mungkin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku siswa dalam memelihara kesehatan gig dan mulut terhadap …
Fraktur terbuka yaitu pata tulang yang merusak jaringan kulit, karena adanya hubungan dengan Lingkungan luar potensi terjadinya infeksi. Perioritas tindakan peraatan pada pasien fraktur tulang terbuka adalah mencegah cedera tulang dan jaringan lebih lanjut, menghilangkan nyeri, mencegah komplikasi, melakukan tindakan keperawatan yaitu merawat luka. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang…
Execise will increase Brain Detived Neurotrophich Factor (BDNF, a substance which is one of neurotrophic factor which stimulate neuron Growth, improving brain survival, neurotransmitter and rapid imputs in nuron. All of this will lead to better quality of brain. In Indonesia. National physical fitness level in students was only 45,9% which is shown low level and very low level of physical fitne…
Due to several factors a
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a kind of D.M which requires a multitude of psychosocial adjustments without which are necessary to enable the patients and family to follow the necessary rules in daily life in order to maintain adequate metabolic control. In this study 10 IDDM patients had been interviewed about their psychological problem that they encountered. The result showed: 8 (80 …