Indonesia is the fourth most populous country after China, India and America. There has been an epidemiological transition. While the prevalence of infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and dengue fever is still high, the incidence of non-communicable diseases is increasing. High rates of morbidity becomes good opportunity to develop medicine for infectious diseases as well as non-c…
Latar belakang. Pemberian cairan pada pasien yang akan dioperasi, khususnya sectio caesaria (Se), jarang didahului pemeriksaan elektrolit; padahal gangguan keseimbangan elektrolit dapat mempengaruhi proses metabolik dan penyembuhan. Pemeriksaan elektrolit setelah operasi penting karena intervensi cairan selama operasi untuk mengontrol elektrolit dan keseimbangan asam-basa. Metode. Penelitian e…