Penderita malaria di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan Sukabumi, didominasi oleh kasus impor penduduk migrasi yang bekerja di luar pulau Jawa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko penularan malaria yang berasal dari penduduk migrasi di kedua kabupaten tersebut. Sampel penelitian adalah keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga pekerja migrasi di daerah endemis malaria dan yang tidak. Pene…
Background: Aedes aegyptiis a mosquito is one of the vectors for dengue. One method of preventing dengue is to use bio insecticides from plants. A plant that is often used as a mosquito repellent is Zodia (Evodia suaveolens scheff) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis l.). Some studies have modified the dosage of bio insecticides to achieve more durable repellent, including developing a gel for…
High mobility amongst mining workers, demanding officer of Cineam Public Health Center can perform rapid diagnosis to the workers. No wa days, many techniques are developed to detect the early transmission ofmalaria, beginsfrom the clinical to the molecular, one of that techniques are Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs). This research has been conducted in the village ofPasirmukti district Cinea…
The number of malaria in Simpenan public health centre area needs a quick step in the patients finding by malaria microscopic officers, both by Active Case Detection (ACD) and Passive Case Detection (PCD). The objective of th is article is to determine the distribution of malaria cases at Simpenan public health centre in Sukabumi during 2011. Data collection was carried out by malaria officersf…
Lengkong sub-district is malaria-endemic areas with a high morbidity. In the past three years, there is a decrease in the number of malaria cas es, but the number of imported malaria cases has increased significantly from the migration of workers return ing from ma¬laria-endemic areas outside Java. Epidemiological studies have been conducted with the aim of knowing the transmission factors ass…