Indonesia is a last country implemented Asean notification of cosmetic which was declared by Permenkes Nomor 1176/Menkes/Per/VIII/2010 about notification of cosmetic started at 1st January 2011. The consequance is every industry has to prepare a safety assessor that to be responsible for quality, beneficial and safety of cosmetic producted. The aims of this research are to analyse ethicoleg…
Penyakit tanaman yang disebabkan oleh bakteri dapat menghambat produksi panen dan sangat sukar dikendalikan karena selain gejala-gejala penyakit yang nampak, bakteri dapat masuk ke dalam jaringan tanaman sehingga sulit untuk dibasmi hanya dengan memangkas jaringan yang terinfeksi atau pemberian pestisida pada permukaan tanaman. Pestisida antibiotika merupakan senyawa kimia yang sangat baik untu…
Background. Infant formulain powdered form(powder) is not a sterile product. It is likely to contain pathogenic microorganisms, cause infectioning the infant. E.sakazakii (Cronobacter spp) is one of the pathogens as indicatorof the safety in infant formula. Method. This survey design is cross sectional and purpose of this survey is not to conclude lot a cceptance (safety assurance to a level o…
Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) is “a local spesific” plant which is one of the main commodities from West Sumateraprovince. Nevertheless, Gambir plant has not been widely used by Indonesian people as herbal medicine. Most of the Gambir extract containingcatechine and katechu tannat acid which are flavonoidderivates withantioxidant activity. The result revealed that chocolate which contains fl…
Drug resistance is one of the global problems, particularly in communicable diseases control including Indonesian malaria elimination program. Since 2004, Artesunate-Amodiaquine (AS+AQ), an Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT), has been used in Indonesia as recommended by the WHO for treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria, replacing of chloroquine resistant antimalarial. Since then, im…