ABSTRACT Tannin as phenolic compounds in the guava leaves known can promotefat and glucose metabolism, so deposits of these both calory moves in the blood could be avoided. The purpose of this experiment was to prove the effect of guava leaves in decreasing blood glucose level on Sprague Dawley rats. This study was conducted by employing a complete Randomized Post Test Control Group Design. …
ABSTRACT Drug-induced liver injury or drug-related hepatotoxicity is injury to the liver caused by exposure to a drug or another noninfectious agent.The clinical signs could vary from very mild condition without any clinical symptoms to severe and life-threatening acute liver failure. Drug-related hepatotoxicity has a low reported incidence, ranging from 1 in 10.000 and in 100.000 patients, …
ABSTRACT Sepsis is one o':he most common causes of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit (ECU) and a major health care problem with increasing 'nc:dence. One of the most crucial steps in sepsis management is antimicrobial therapy. Inaccurate and late diagnosis of sepsis woulo lead to increased mortality or inappropriate use of antirricrobiai agents. To facilitate early and accur…
Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (von Zumbucb) is an inflammatory skin disease that is typicaly characterized by the spread of generalized postular eruption on the trunk and extremities, including nails, palms and soles ot the feet accorrpanied by systemic symptoms such as fever rat lasts for several days. malaise and anorexia. It is one of the acute variart forms of psoriasis. A case of genera…
Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Indonesia setiap tahun semakin meningkat dan penyebarannya semakin meluas. Salah satu upaya penanggulangan DBD yang telah dilakukan adalah dengan pengendalian vektor DBD Aedes aegypti. Pengendalian vektor dapat dilakukan baik secara fisik, biologi, kimiawi maupun genetik. Teknik Serangga Mandul (TSM) merupakan salah satu teknik pengendalian vektor secara …
Penyakit tanaman yang disebabkan oleh bakteri dapat menghambat produksi panen dan sangat sukar dikendalikan karena selain gejala-gejala penyakit yang nampak, bakteri dapat masuk ke dalam jaringan tanaman sehingga sulit untuk dibasmi hanya dengan memangkas jaringan yang terinfeksi atau pemberian pestisida pada permukaan tanaman. Pestisida antibiotika merupakan senyawa kimia yang sangat baik untu…
Abstrak. Daya tahan seorang perawat dalam menghadapi tuntutan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawabnya dalam nnerawat pasien di rumah sakit sangatlah diperlukan, agar seorang perawat dapat menyeimbangkan antara kinerja, masalah sehari-hari, dan beban pekerjaan yang dihadapi hampir setiap hari di dalam kehidupannya. Daya tahan yang dimaksud adalah resiliensi. Begitu pentingnya resiliensi bagi seorang per…
Abstract Objective: To know the relationship of calcium serum levels with the incidence of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Methods: Study subject that fulfil inclusion criteria were asked to fill questionnaires and venous blood sample was taken to measure cal¬cium serum levels. The data is processed and analyzed statistically. Result: The study was conducted on 45 women aged 20-35 years old.…