Ciplukan herb has been used empirically as the antidiabetic medicine. The aim of the research at know the influence of chloroform fraction of ciplukan to blood glucose and recovery of alloxan induced Langerhan pancreatic islet of mice. This research used 6 groups of mice consist of normal control, negative control were induced by aloksan at dase of 100 mg/kg bw, third group were given by gliben…
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) adalah protein angiogenik yang dihasilkan oleh sel tumor, dibantu sel endotel dalam peranannya bagi pertumbuhan tumor. VEGF berkaitan dengan vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGF) dipicu keadaan hipoksia dan onkogen ras mutan. VEGF tidak bekerja pada sel endotel istirahat dan pembuluh darah dewsa. Ada 6 betuk isoform VEGF yaitu VEGF-A,B,C,D,…