Morphological observations were made on the adult filaria worms of nonperiodic from of B.malayi (32 worms), the new subspecles of the causative agent of filariasis in East Kalimanan (3,4). The filaria parasites were compared to the old subspecies of noctumally subperiodic form of B. malai (25 worms) from Kendari and the animal filaria B. pahangi (20 worms) which were also sympatic in East Kalim…
Seven patients of open tibia type III C the Emergency Unit, Sardjito hospital from 1990 to 1995. Three patients underwent early amputation and four patients ultimately required secondary amputation from three to twelve days after vascular repair intervention. Open tibial fractures associated with vascular trauma need an imediate decision between early amputation and limb salvage. Proactive stud…
A new subspecies of human parasite filarial worm, i.e. nonperiodic from of Brugia malayi Lichrenstein, was reported from East Kalimantan. Based on the morphology, physiology or behavior, the Brugia type revealed very closely related to the animal parasite filarial worm of Brugia pahangi. This paper reports the results of further observations on other properties of filaria parasite, i.e clinical…
T-lymphoxytes are the most important component of the immune response to control recurent infections. T-lumphocutes of CD4+ and CD8+ bearing T-cells can kill HSV intected host cells. The relation between apecific T-cells responses and severity of HSV disease of HSV disease have not been consistently detcted. Interaction between T-cells responses and HSV and host immunity. Reactivation can resul…
Kidney filter barrier is a media functioned as a blood filter into kidney. The position of this kidney filter barrier is in kidney malphigi corpus among glomerular capiler and pars visceralis Bowmann capsules. There are three layers of blood vessels that formed those filter barriers, those are : endotel fenestrata glomerular capiler, basal membran layer and diafragma layer of slit pores podo-si…