Remaja memiliki kecenderungan untuk melakukan perilaku berisiko yang dapat meningkatkan angka kesakitan dan angka kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik individu yang meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, status kawin serta sumber informasi yang terdiri dari tempat konseling, media dengan perilaku berisiko remaja seperti merokok, minum alkoh…
The common problems which are currently faced by adolescents are lack ofreproductive health information, low access to health facilities, and risk behavior among themselves. Risk behaviors in this age group tend to increase and become serious issues; therefore this requires considerable attention from all parties/sectors. Risk behaviors among youth include smoking, alcohol and drugs use, and pr…
Background: Anemia during pregnancy might increase the risk of maternal death. Iron deficiency is the major cause of anemia in pregnancy compared to other type of nutritional deficiency. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of iron supplementation (Fe) based on the diet behavior of pregnant women living in the coastal area. Methods: This is an observational analytic study using cro…
Background: The expansion paradigm of development, its line has determined the direction of health development policies contained in the Medium Term Development Plan (Development Plan) for 2004-2009 in the Health Sector. which was more emphasis on preventive and promotive and empowering families and communities in the health field. One form of community empowerment efforts in the health sector …