Backgrounds: One of the phases that have a high vulnerability to HIV-AIDS is adolescence, a period which has the highest social mobility than at any other age. In recent years there is a trend of increased cases of HIV-AIDS, especially in groups of teenagers who are of reproductive age. Social penalties for people with HIV-AIDS, are generally more severe when compared with patients with other d…
Backgrounds: AIDS claimed to have caused death as much as 2.4 to 3.3 million in 2005, and more than 570,000 people of whom are children. One of the phases that have a high vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is adolescence, a period which has the highest social mobility than at any other age. Methods: This study aims to analyze the relationship of knowledge of behavior modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS w…
Background: Infant health was an important health indicator because of its relationship with various factors, maternal health, the quality of access to health services, socioeconomic conditions and public health services. Many factors influenced the Infant Mortality Rate but it is difficult to determine dominant factors and less dominant factors. The availability of various facilities or access…
The number of tooth decay in Indonesia based on national health survey by the Department of Health of Indonesia in 2001 found about 70 percent of the Indonesian population aged 10 years and over have experienced damage gigi. Pada age 12 years, the amount of tooth decay reaches 43.9%, age 15 year reached 37.4%, age 18 years 51.1%, aged 35-44 reached 80.1%, and the age of 65 years and over reache…
This study aimed to examine the rellability of larvae free index taken from periodical monitoring as compared to that of dengue hemorrhagic investigation (DHF) epidemiologic investigation at primary health centers. This was an analytic cross sectional study with a sample of all dengue fever officers stationedat ten primary health centers in Denpasar. Mean in precent difference was used to measu…