Penelitian ini adalah penelitian jenis analitik, dengan desain Quasi Eksperimental dengan kelompokn kontrol. variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah pendidikan kesehatan, sedangkan variabel dependennya adalah kecemasan. sebagai populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perempuan Pra Menopause di Sanan kulon, Kabupaten Blitar, sedangkan sampelnya adalah sebagian dari populasi, yang dipil…
Background: In Semarang, the coverage of profesional delivery attendances was higher than national and smoothly increase. Maternity place and delivery assistance selection are determinant factor MMR. Objective: Identify maternal sociodemographic characteristics by using spatial analysis. Methode: This study is a descriptive observational using Spatial analysis. Population is the maternal birt…
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and selective COX-2 inhibitor such as celecoxib, which widely used as antiinflamatory drug, is known to have role in cancer by reducing proliferation and growth of turnor cells, and increasing apoptosis. The research aims were to investigate the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitor and role of COX- 2 on tumor growth. This was an experimental study with pretest…
Objective: To evaluate clinical value of p161NK4a biomarker level, by doing p161NK4a immunocytochemistry staining, as a pre¬dictor of progressivity of precancerous cervical lesion. Method: Design of this research is case-control study which will be stratified. ~search was conducted in Cytology Laboratorium, Gynecology Specialistic Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Cipto M…
Uterine myoma is a benign tumor from uterine myometrial layer. One of the complaints are caused by uterine myoma is abnormal bleeding which includes hipermenorea and menometroragia. Bleeding can cause many severe anemia because of blood shortages. In Indonesia in 2003, myoma uteri was found from 2.39 to 11.7% in all gynecologic patients. Based on data in 2009 data in Gynecology Ginic Dr. soetom…