Salatiga is one district in Central Java with a high level of endemicity of dengue haemorrhagic fever cases. Cases of DHF were likely to fiuc tua te andrise. Case Fatality Rate(CRF) in 2008 amounted to 1,39% in 72cases, in 2009 with 109 cases qlCFR 0.92% and in 2010 there were 155 cases o{O% CFR. Mosquito nest eradication (PSN) as a strategic activity has not been optimally implemented. Alterna…
The Knowledge and Experience of Dengue Mosquitoes among Housewives. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Prevention program in Semarang were Focaused through controling mosquito breesing sites (PSN), but the implementation of PSN was not become a habit in every household. The objective of this study was to explore knowledge and expereince of dengue mosquitoes among housewives in the endemic villages.…
Jladri Village was one of an endemic area of malaria in Kebumen Regency that had increasing case during 2006-2008. The objectives of this study were to determine demographic characteristic, Respondents knowladge, attitude and practices towards Malaria. The study was undertaken asa descriptive cross-sectional survei in jladriVillage in April-December 2008. fifty (50)Respondents that ever had mal…