Uji DNA HPV telah dipakai sebagaiuji tambahan paling efektif cara mendeteksi keberadaan HPV sedini mungkin. Uji DNA HPV dapat mengetahui golongan hr-HPV atau Ir-HPV dengan menggunakan teknik HC II atau dengan metode PCR, Uji DNA HPV juga dapat melihat genottipe HPV dengan metode DNA-UPF Micro Array System, Multiplex HPV Genotyping Kit dan linear Array HPV
Research on the Application of Linear Array HPV genotyping test in detection of HPV genotypes on Cervical Cancer Patients that is intended to study the DNA hybridization method in the identification of genotypes of HPV that cause cervical cancer using diagnostic device Linear Array HPV genotyping test. The aim of this study are to determine and detect the presence of HPV genotypes on sample. T…
Abstract: Obesity has become the global problem that estimated as effect of change of life style in consuming food. The previous research indicate that prevention better done in adolescent age. So that adolescent meal pattern need to identify for future preventive effort OBJECTIVES: To identify the difference between meal pattern in obese and non-obese adolescent. METHODS: This research was don…
For the families of individuals with schizophrenia, the illness can likewise be perplexing and burdensome. Understanding which symptoms are most problematic may be critical to helping families cope more effectively with mental illness. This study was aimed to examine association between caregiver burden and the positive and negative symptoms of Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for Schizophre…
The prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder increases more as the time goes by. One of caused by the biochemical factors such as serotonin, a neurotransmitter in our brain. The serotonin production, absorbtion and metabolism are different in autistic children than those who are not autistic. Acupuncture needle producing nervous impulses that help releasing monoamine neurotransmitter serotonin,…
During tne mental development process, the adolescent will be exposed tonumerous events that night act as psychosocial stressors. These stressors might contribute to the prevalence of depression in adolescent.This study aimed to determine the prevalence of depression description of psychosocial stressor, and depression in adolescent. A cross sectional descriptive analutic study was conducted us…