ABSTRACT The first thousand days of life, since child in the womb until 2 years old, determines the quality of the child when they grown up. Weight gain during pregnancy is the best indicators to predict maternal nutritional status than any other physical criteria. Information of factors that affects weight gain during pregnancy is very important to ensure the outcome of pregnancy. Prospective…
incidence of nutritional anemia iron is influenced by multiple factors not just a lack of iron intake, but also influenced by the intake of other nutrients. the prevalance of anemia is iron nutrition of school children in indonesia at 26.5% 2. risk factors for anemia influenced food consumption patterns particularly iron. iron causes nutritional anemia oxygen transport is reduced, and the resul…
Introduction: Breastfeeding initiated within 1 hour after infant birth is important to successfully exclusive breastfeeding and infant health, especially protective infant from infection desease. In Indonesia, information determinant factors of initiated breastmilk within 1 hour after infant birth are rare. Objective: to evaluate determinant factor of initiated breastmilk within 1 hour after in…