Artemisinin is the besi antimalaria for chloroquine resistant P. falciparum recommended by WHO in a combination therapy. Artemisnin is isolated from Artemisia annua L (family: Asteraceace) that can grow as is should be I Indonesia and has cultivated by BPTO Tawangmangu in order to self-material antimalaria. One of the important analysis is method for measuring artemisinin concentration in extra…
Household pesticides are in general used continually in closed room enabling the occurrence formulation. This occumulation depends on several factors like the pesticide formulation, the route of its exposure into the body and the users behavior. Mostly insecticide exposure comes into human body through inhalation and dermal absorption. Lifetime Average Daily Dose (LADD) of an insecticide is an…
Peptic mucus synthesize especially prostaglandine E2 and I2. Prostaglandine E2 and I2 can impede acid secete and stimulate mucus and bicarbonate secretion. Misoprostol, a synthetic methyl ester analogue of prostaglandin is both a powerful inhibitor of gastric secretion and is able to protect the gastroduodenal mucosa from damage. Misoprostol and other prostaglandine derivatives can be alternati…
The greater the public awareness of the health can be ascertained from the number of people who determined the water used for drinking water. Water determination is one the programs in Pharmacy and Chemistry Laboratory in Center for Biomedic and Pharmacy. Ministry of Health. Water sample is determined chemically and physically based on the parameter requirements by the Regulation of Ministry of…
The invention of new entity from plant was the basic step for chemistry and another sciences development, such as: pharmacy, biology, and medical. Besides that, it is needed to fulfill people needs on food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. Coumarine is fenilpropanoid that has biological activity to stimulate skin pigmentation, influence enzyme activity, anti coagulant, anti microbial and inhibi…