Lemon fruits (Citrus aurantiifotia Gristm. & Panzer Swingle) is often used by people as a flavor enhancer in foods and to etiminate the fishy odor of, shellfish and other seafood. The main content of orange juice is citric acid. Citric acid can function as a metal chelator. By immersing the clams inio the lemon water solution are expected to form complexes between citric acid and metal in the f…
Melamine is a polymer of formaldehyde with phenol compound. The polimer is used to release formaldehyde in dining wares made of melamine. The released formaldehyde is the formalin that contains 40% of wich as formaldehyde. This compound has the potential to be toxic, could cause cancer, kidney stone, that may end to death. A study to reduce formaldehyde content in melamine is the method of soak…